Lipitor, who takes it?


Enlightened Member
Dec 11, 2012
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Southern California
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Excess fat in your blood steam is not good. Ask any heart doc when they find hardening of the arteries.

Bill Ashton

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Sep 29, 2006
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North Central Massachusetts
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My primary care prescribed about the smallest dose of Zocor several years ago when diet, no salt and no alcohol would not get my borderline high lipid-panel numbers down. Things were swell, then insurance company changes me to Simvastatin generic...within maybe six weeks I am feeling just slight flu-coming-on achy. Told doc, he changed me to half a pill of the lowest Crestor... plus CoQ10 and Vitamin D...within a very short time, no aches, cholesterol numbers good and continue to be so. The half a pill bit is significant, as Crestor isn't off-patent yet so its pretty expensive. But working for me for quite a while...

Recently I just got sick of taking so many pills, and having heard that the CoQ10 really isn't for "heart health" like the package says but for the aches from statins I went off it...with doc's permission. Several weeks now, no ill effects.

There is a recent drug that can significantly lower your LDL only, but does nothing for the HDL..the name escapes me...but I think it is used in concert with one of the other statins. Not Niacin. "Zedia" maybe?

But the first thing really is to try diet, exercise, no salt and then..."the drinking lamp has been extinguished..." :grumpy:

Pascal, perhaps you can explain this "Mediterranean diet" we are all supposed to be on? Plant based? No red meat? :grumpy: Lots of Olive oil?
If I eat any more chicken, turkey and fish, I am going to sprout feathers and fins!
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Senior Member
Feb 14, 2011
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South Florida
But the first thing really is to try diet, exercise, no salt...

Yes. First try diet and exercise. Don't worry so much about salt. Sugar is the real killer.

Pascal, perhaps you can explain this "Mediterranean diet" we are all supposed to be on? Plant based? No red meat? :grumpy: Lots of Olive oil?

Yes. As we age we need less animal protein, so plant based is good. Very good. Thanks Pascal. Nutritionist and guitar hero?


Enlightened Member
Sep 8, 2009
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Jupiter, FL.
Ya know.... there is (and has been for a long time now) no secret attached to the link between diet & exercise, and general health.

Only one thing in the way: Will.
Some have it, some don't.
And I'm not judging anyone here, I completely understand and respect the point of view of those who say "the hell with it, I'm gonna eat what makes me happy and I don't care if I live 10 or 20 years less than the one forcing the diet and exercise discipline upon himself".

But EVERYBODY knows what they are supposed to do, let's not fool ourselves.

Oh... and did I mention variety in food habits?... And If you're not gonna exercise, at least learn what foods will boost your good cholesterol level. Google is your friend!

But as a rule everyone looking for help: Leave the fried stuff alone! And the soda! And the ice cream!
It always kinda amused me to hear an obese person say "not my fault, it's genetic" while gulping down a bucket of KFC watered down with a can of Coke.

Of course there is much more to add to the debate, but then we'd be dangerously approaching the "danger zone" of the Forum Guidelines, if we mention the financial interest of the food industry, interestingly enough very closely linked to the pharmaceutical one.....

But let's keep it clean and talk diet and exercise here! :barbershop_quartet_
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Senior Member
Feb 14, 2011
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South Florida
It always kinda amused me to hear an obese person say "not my fault, it's genetic" while gulping down a bucket of KFC watered down with a can of Coke.

No Pascal it was a DIET COKE, c'mon cut 'em some slack! :highly_amused:


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Sillycon Valley CA
.... we all know a bucket of fried chicken can't hurt nobody. :laughing:

Right. Fried chicken doesn't kill people, people kill people.
Including themselves.
And yes, if it comes down to a choice of living forever on a diet of rigorous self denial or being able to savor every last moment, though less of them there may be, what the h--l do you think I'm gonna choose?
Die happy.
We all gotta go sooner or later anyway.


Enlightened Member
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Jupiter, FL.
Right. Fried chicken doesn't kill people, people kill people.
Including themselves.
And yes, if it comes down to a choice of living forever on a diet of rigorous self denial or being able to savor every last moment, though less of them there may be, what the h--l do you think I'm gonna choose?
Die happy.
We all gotta go sooner or later anyway.

And as I said above, I respect that opinion and choice of lifestyle.
And I find myself somewhat in the middle: partying with the diet, but working hard on the exercise part (which helps tremendously)
Now wipe that hot chocolate running down your chin from the profiteroles you just worked on will ya?

And one more thing: Red wine is good for you (as with everything: in moderation) :kiwi-fruit:


Reverential Member
Mar 24, 2011
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U.S.A. : Nevada : Las Vegas
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Ya know.... there is (and has been for a long time now) no secret attached to the link between diet & exercise, and general health.

Oh come ON, Pascal!! If it was really that easy, everyone would be doing it!!

And one more thing: Red wine is good for you (as with everything: in moderation) :kiwi-fruit:

Oh LORDY, and then you had to go and ruin it with the dreaded "M" word!!

I swear!



Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Sillycon Valley CA
Oh LORDY, and then you had to go and ruin it with the dreaded "M" word!!
I believe it was Herman Hesse who said true wisdom is found on the path of excess.
I think he got it from the Buddhists.
Wherever he got it from, them's my operatin' orders.


Enlightened Member
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Jupiter, FL.
Oh come ON, Pascal!! If it was really that easy, everyone would be doing it!!

Ahhh... you skeptics!

Oh LORDY, and then you had to go and ruin it with the dreaded "M" word!!

With that said, I know of quite a few friends' parents on the other side of the pond, and even some of my own family members, that have lived their life in total disregard of this "moderation" concept when it comes to vin rouge, and that are alive and kicking in their 80's, including one (uncle of mine) at 92 and counting....

Bring on the Burgundy damn it! (or I'll fart in your general direction Al, which should get most of the territory covered from where I stand)
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Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Sillycon Valley CA
Bring on the Burgundy damn it! (or I'll fart in your general direction Al, which should get most of the territory covered from where I stand)
To paraphrase a certain mad scientist who once tried to steal a sacred ring right off of Ringo's finger, several times in fact:
"With farts like that, you could (dare I say it?)...RULE THE WORLD!!!!"

Hey waitaminit, what're you pickin' on me for? (besides the fact it's your name).
I'M the one championing excess here!
And lemme tell ya, 92 your uncle might be, but when the end comes, it's gonna be quick. Over in a heartbeat.
He'll probably just collapse in the middle of a glass of wine.
Everybody's worst nightmare.
One second you're trying to remember what it was you were trying to remember, next second you're knock-knock-knockin' on you-know-who's door.
No long drawn out reprieve while medical science desperately tries to forestall the inevitable and squeeze every last breath from unwilling lungs, nosiree.
No protracted self-searching about the value of one's accomplishments and regrets over vengeances unaccomplished..
Quick. No second chances.
No last kiss from...well, whoever....
THAT'll teach 'im.


Senior Member
Gold Supporting
Apr 6, 2009
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Norridge, Illinois
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To paraphrase a certain mad scientist who once tried to steal a sacred ring right off of Ringo's finger, several times in fact:
"With farts like that, you could (dare I say it?)...RULE THE WORLD!!!!"

Hey waitaminit, what're you pickin' on me for? (besides the fact it's your name).
I'M the one championing excess here!
And lemme tell ya, 92 your uncle might be, but when the end comes, it's gonna be quick. Over in a heartbeat.
He'll probably just collapse in the middle of a glass of wine.
Everybody's worst nightmare.
One second you're trying to remember what it was you were trying to remember, next second you're knock-knock-knockin' on you-know-who's door.
No long drawn out reprieve while medical science desperately tries to forestall the inevitable and squeeze every last breath from unwilling lungs, nosiree.
No protracted self-searching about the value of one's accomplishments and regrets over vengeances unaccomplished..
Quick. No second chances.
No last kiss from...well, whoever....
THAT'll teach 'im.

Al, even if I didn't own a Guild, posts like that would keep me coming back here. :applouse:


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Sillycon Valley CA
Al, even if I didn't own a Guild, posts like that would keep me coming back here. :applouse:

Thank you sir, I'll try to remember that when I'm desperate to prove to whoever decides where we go next that I did at least one worthwhile thing in my life.
Oh yes, in response to your earlier post,ya surprised me!
I thought it was gonna be this one:



Enlightened Member
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Jupiter, FL.
"With farts like that, you could (dare I say it?)...RULE THE WORLD!!!!"

Now you got me thinkin'.... <petting my white cat>

Hey waitaminit, what're you pickin' on me for?

3 main reasons: As mentioned earlier, this aim ensures optimum coverage, two, your prominent cultural sources vis a vis the Franco-Britanic relationship of yesteryear lead you to believe and expect this was the way French people expressed themselves.
And don't make me tell you what I might do (again) if you point out that it accounts for two reasons only.

And lemme tell ya, 92 your uncle might be, but when the end comes, it's gonna be quick. Over in a heartbeat.
He'll probably just collapse in the middle of a glass of wine.
Everybody's worst nightmare.

If only we could buy our demise.... this is how I wanna go. Cheers! (no rush tho...) <Lifting my Cabernet to y'all>
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Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Sillycon Valley CA
If only we could buy our demise....

We ARE all buying our own demises. All the time.
Maybe THAT's why people are so preoccupied with the converse:
Trying to buy immortality.
(That's "immorTality".)
Of course, those poor fools, should they be successful, will deserve exactly what they get.
You know what they say..."Be carefuul what you wish for.You just might get it."
And speaking of Franco-Britannic relations, they do seem to have yielded rather sparse benefits compared to the masterpiece produced by Franco-American relations:
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Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
Gulf Breeze, Florida
I think the internet and BS advice from people who "heard it from a friend" are killing more people now-a-days than fried chicken. I could name any goofy fad diet or health fad and there would be at least one or two people here who would tell me how awesome it is. Bottom line, eat right and exercise, maybe your life expectancy will go up a few weeks. I found a brain tumor in a nice lady's brain yesterday. It will kill her, (glioma in a bad spot), and she is a marathoner and was training for an Ironman competition.She weighs about 110 pounds and probably hasn't eaten anything fried or drank a soda her whole life. None of us gets out of here alive
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