Rattlesnake season. Lookout.


Venerated Member
Mar 24, 2011
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U.S.A. : Nevada : Las Vegas
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I only kill them to make wife feel safe x 2 now. One was more or less following her to the porch, freaked her out.
Don't kill them in the wild. They're fine there. But the house, the barn where kids and horses are? They're gonna be dead because it's too much of a risk. I thought horses would have an instinct about them with snakes. Turns out that's not true. One of my horses stepped right in the middle of a coiled up rattlesnake and with all the noise and everything, I panicked and she wanted to put her nose down to see what it was. Nope... we got out of the creek bed quickly and found an alternate route home. So, fine in the wild. Expect them, and respect them. But at home and the barn... nope. Now the king snakes and garter snakes.... those I'd bring around to both places to keep the vermin down so the rattlers didn't come.


Enlightened Member
Jun 8, 2016
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The Evergreen State
Horses can choke from a bite, you have to put a hose down airway to save it.

I got chased by loose dogs far more often on a horse than any snake encounter. Also fun to deal with, avoiding the saddle out in the field, gets old fast. Refusal to go once saddled, and then there's the sudden stopping. And they bite, watch your elbows.

This is why I ended up liking motorcycles so much.


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2018
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Thank you all. I am dealing with at the very least a life altering condition. I am not well and the only medical "solutions" are not promising. But, we all have to face this sooner or later. My time is now.
I appreciate all your thoughts very much. I have spent many months combating this issue. It came out of nowhere and is unexplainable. The fact is that medicine can only do so Mich sometimrs. It leaves the individual with much confusion. I have lived a mostly healthy life. I was very strong and fit. But...it is what it is.
I have had encounters with wildlife my entire life. I feel we all deserve a place on this earth. But I also understand that this cannot always happen. I am not the only person who feels this way. That gives me hope that the future may be less harsh for non human inhabitants of our plsnet.
This is a Guild forum. Guild has always been number one for me. This forum has brought me great happiness. Thank you all. I will continue to enjoy. And I have found that there is always hope.


Enlightened Member
Jun 8, 2016
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The Evergreen State
I'm sad to hear this, I always notice when someone's not around much anymore, and now we also know how it feels when someone is gone, when that life energy is gone. Hoping you still have your special and beautiful friend in your time of need. You're a lucky man.

There is always hope, even if it's just to be at peace.

We take so much for granted, everyday, losing sight of what's really important, that is showing the people we love that we love them.

Most of us here are in our twilight years, by my reckoning I've got 10 years left, and you start realizing more and more "I don't have time for this" for things that get in the way of happiness, people that don't care about you.

My personal endeavor with the guitar - I've never made a dime playing - is only to get better as a person, to learn, to apply, to unlock the mystery that's mostly in your head because the fingerboard really isn't that complicated.

It's a brain tease for me, the best kind of mental exercise there is, and the rewards are profound, having great tone is as important to me as food and clothes, and mastering my own fingers an accomplishment in itself. I have serious dyslexia that makes me play simple notes in scales in the wrong order over and over and over. Every day it's like I'm trying to learn how to play the guitar. I can improvise very well, but playing known melodies I will always make mistakes, I'm still trying to accept that and overcome it at the same time.

Having lost a lot of family and friends, when I play, I think they can hear me, that's my fantasy and it works for me, the unseen audience, maybe its not that farfetched. Santana, an idol mine, more genuinely spiritual than many pretenders, said "When you play, you play for the whole world" as if it could hear you and why not believe that, whether on a stage or not.

Be all you can be and try to leave this place better than you found it.

I went to a gig last night, and as usual people aren't listening, including wife in audience so it was a perfect time to launch into some of my favorite tunes - she calls em Chrismas songs but they are massively healing for me and the melodies transcend any notion of religion - all in dropped D with luthier neighbor following wildly on his F5 Mandolin, Noel, Carol of the Bells, Amazing Grace, seguing into Dust in the Wind and closing with Brain Damage by the Floyd.

I played Simple Man C/G/Am on a few guitars before going to the gig after practicing for about an hour, and decided my D5CE sounded far above the others, so that's what I took and I sounded like magic all night, at one point someone saying they had thought the sound was coming through a Bose speaker that had an iPhone connected to it that had been playing some classic Alan Parsons project earlier.

I probably wouldn't have that guitar if it wasn't for this forum, and for that I am grateful, as well as the forum is a refuge from a world I often don't care to to know about and understand anymore.

This spring has been amazing. Feeling lucky to be part of the creation, the solace nature can provide when not trying to get rid of us is beyond compare, every part of nature in striking contrast to our destructive ways. Sunlight on water, the feel of wind, rain and sunshine, fruit trees blooming, hearing woodpeckers and seeing baby snakes, ducks quacking, smells of hot pine needles and the silence of a mountain top, crickets chirping, or is that just my tinnitus?

Cat got me up at 4:10 this morning, her intellect is ahead mine, of course I needed to get up and enjoy that special time that is dawn, but it wasn't long before I heard an awful meow and saw her bolting from the porch and running for her life around the back side of the house. Something was hiding there and tried to get her, and eventually something will.

Don't take life for granted, any life, that's the lesson for me, and maybe do a better job of not "sweating the small stuff", remember what's really important, not to lose sight of that, it's so easy to do.

A lifetime trying to matter, only to return to matter.

Just around our house, disappearing parts of our creation are already protected, soon to be endangered or just flat out gone like our deer - all died of Blue Tongue during the pandemic/drought 2 years ago - and the source of meat for survival if needed, gone. Appreciation of loss is all around us.

Protected Apileated woodpecker on giant snag.jpg

Western Gray Squirrel making an incredibly noisy show of eating our walnuts, appreciation I think.
Protected Western Gray Squirrel 10-6-2022.JPG

The blessing of night, to sip whiskey and cry by the light of the moon.


Morning, a new day

Morning Sun.JPG

And back on thread track, a [real] rattler at the barn.

Timber Rattler looking for dinner.JPG

Same Timber rattler smelling me with his tongue, picking up chemicals that transfer to their super smell Jacobson's organ directly above the roof of their mouth.

Timber Rattler gathering chemicals to relay to Jacobson's organ..jpg
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