Funny Guild and LTG related dream I had last night...

Westerly Wood

Venerated Member
Mar 21, 2007
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Or maybe it was closer to the morning, you know how these things go, can barely remember them. But I came across this D30 that had all this Halloween adhesive stickers all on the top. But the sound was fantastic so I bought it. Then a bunch of LTGers were sitting around a table outside, like a picnic table. I remember 5 or 6 of us, but I can only make out two, Joe and Neal. Now Joe took the D30 and was scraping the adhesive stickies off the top of the D30 with some type of protractor, straight edge or plain...I don't know but he was really going it.

Then, the D30 and I got into a car Neal was driving, but he ran out of gas. So he took a gas can and headed up to the station to get gas and cold beer. Finally, I just took the D30 and walked up a grassy hill towards a house for lunch. Then I woke up.

I looked around the house this morning for a D30. It is not anywhere to be found.


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Sillycon Valley CA
Then a bunch of LTGers were sitting around a table outside, like a picnic table. I remember 5 or 6 of us, but I can only make out two, Joe and Neal... Finally, I just took the D30 and walked up a grassy hill towards a house for lunch. Then I woke up...
I looked around the house this morning for a D30. It is not anywhere to be found.

I took it back to the picnic table after you passed out.
It's there waiting for you.


Enlightened Member
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Jupiter, FL.
Why did you stop passing the joint?..... wanted to finish it all by yourself, which is obviously why Joe and Neal disappeared from your dream.
Good thing Al was nearby when you passed out, and the D30 is safe
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