Time to get creative


Gone But Not Forgotten
Gone But Not Forgotten
Jun 15, 2005
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Grand Rapids, MI
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As many of you know, I direct a non-profit organization "Eldermusic, Inc." We bring live interactive music sessions to the residents of about 20 local Alzheimer's units every month. That is, we used to. I can't imagine us just waltzing back into the nursing homes any time in the near future, as in probably the rest of this year. And at 65 years old, I'm one of the youngest volunteers in the organization, we have about 25 regular volunteers who have been making this happen. That puts all my volunteers into the "high-risk" category, i.e. "old." Quite frankly, I'm more concerned for the health of our volunteers; the nursing homes are already dealing with the virus.

We usually play and sing with our old friends for one hour. Currently, I am planning to do a one hour video that we can supply to our clients so they can utilize it at their convenience, as opposed to live streaming. Trying to line up a professional videographer presently, I know a couple of them. We have the budget to do this, and I don't want to just schlock something together with my camera, as that is not my field of expertise.

We just don't want to leave our old friends hanging. Like so many other things these days, we need to reimagine some of our plans. This isn't all bad; it may provide a better opportunity for expanding the organization to other cities and states without having to establish volunteer chapters, etc.


Bassist, GAD and the Hot Mess Mods
May 3, 2007
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Central Virginia, USA
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If you have access to people who are pre-recording church services they might have some suggestions. Some preachers are better than others about interacting with the camera in a way that makes the viewer believe "they are there". Check with your pro about what makes sense given the need for post recording editing. The non-pros I have worked with would rather do 4 15 minute videos than one 60 minute video. I think that's just a rehearsal and fatigue thing but it means you don't have to wear the same clothes for retakes :) I can imagine the activities director might enjoy a collection of 15 minute videos because then they could easily mix and match audience favorites. Pressing play is much easier than searching.

Good luck.