The History Books Were Wrong


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Aug 26, 2011
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Wish we did have all the facts.



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May 2, 2007
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Well, gents, some of that may be true, but I don't believe it's all true, sorry.

Mummies with tobacco leaves in their guts, along with traces of hashish and cocaine in their systems?

Well, how the heck did New World substances like tobacco and cocaine get to Egypt a few thousand years ago?? Methinks either the mummies are fakes or there was 'transoceanic travel taking place in pre Columbian days between the Old World and the New.' Okay, I could buy that- small boats skirting the lands of the Pacific Coast and returning to Western side of Asia with precious quantities of certain substances (tobacco, coca) that were then transported by land over the time-honored Trade Routes from China/Asia to finally arrive in Ancient Egypt, where they were made use of by the small and select class of priests who preserved mummies.

But Greek and Hebrew on a rock in the New Mexico desert? Nah!

Look at the carved words in the pic of the rock. They are literally too straight. Nobody cared about such things 'way back when'. Look at a pic of the writing on the Rosetta Stone and compare it to 'the find' in the New Mexican desert. Obviously it was done by someone with a contemporary sense of line spacing. FAKERY MOST FOUL!! [apologies to Agatha Christie]


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May 13, 2008
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gilded said:
FAKERY MOST FOUL!! [apologies to Agatha Christie]
Are you suggesting we shouldn't believe everything we read on CRACKED.COM??
But it must be true... it's on the interwebz! :lol:


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Apr 8, 2011
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AlohaJoe said:
gilded said:
FAKERY MOST FOUL!! [apologies to Agatha Christie]
Are you suggesting we shouldn't believe everything we read on CRACKED.COM??
But it must be true... it's on the interwebz! :lol:
A most trusted name in journalism :mrgreen: As soon as believe those guys than the other ones however :lol:


Bassist, GAD and the Hot Mess Mods
May 3, 2007
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Central Virginia, USA
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I was ready to throw the BS flag on this but there is a fair amount of truth or at least legitimate scientific discussion around these discoveries according to the internet searches I made. A lot of it comes down to what you believe about pre-Columbian America and how, or even if, it interacted with the rest of the world. Some depends upon what you mean by "native" when talking about cultivated crops.

I personally think there was contact much earlier than we believe and such contact does not require Alien Abductions to explain. But I don't think the contact was extensive enough to lead to serious trading and the kind of trade infrastructure needed to support the drug habits of the ruling Elite probably didn't exist. But if one contact included plants that were then locally cultivated and knowledge subsequently lost...

Thought provoking.


Senior Member
May 2, 2007
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Guys, I re-wrote my earlier post. Please see the next post below for the new, slightly improved version.


Senior Member
May 2, 2007
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gilded said:
fronobulax said:
.....I personally think there was contact much earlier than we believe and such contact does not require Alien Abductions to explain. But I don't think the contact was extensive enough to lead to serious trading and the kind of trade infrastructure.....

[Please note: After thinking about it for a day, I have edited the first post extensively, because it was clumsily written and obscured whatever salient points may have been present in my already famously dim style of writing...]

frono, when you mentioned 'serious trading' and 'trade infrastructure', I thought of something that may be somewhat analogous to the whole concept of Egyptian/Mayan trade....

it has to do with a piece of property wife's family owns, about 40 miles west of my home town in N. Central Texas. This property has 'frontage' on both the Brazos River and the Palo Pinto Creek 'System'. In fact, there is one spot where the Creek and the River join together. Along this water 'frontage' is a low-lying river Plain that stretches for 200-300 yards into the property. The plain runs into a small hill. There is a low rise at the bottom of the hill.

This 'rise' offers a great view of the confluence of the waters and the 'early-early' Indian tribes (Paleo-Indians, Archaic Indians, etc.) used to take advantage of the rise and lay in wait for the local game that would sneak out of the hills and brambles to snatch a quick drink at Dusk and Dawn. To keep themselves busy as they sat on the rise, the Indians would re-sharpen their flint skinning tools, Atlatl points (predating the concept of the bow and arrow, an Atlatl is a short spear that is launched out of a separate shaft with a cup on the end of it. The short spear fits in the cup, creating a lever-like effect when the spear is launched, etc.). [see]

I know this is true, because you can still find the discarded broken points and tools on the ground after a hard rain, particularly where a dirt road crosses the low rise.

Interestingly, all these 'hunting points' and 'tools' are made from flint that comes from Michigan, over a 1,000 miles away.
And again, no arrow heads which means that the Michigan Flint tools and points' were left on the ground between 10,000 to 2,000 years ago!

frono, How did that Michigan flint rock get to Texas? You think there was a little bit of trading going on between Texas and Michigan? Some infrastructure?? I do!!

Back to Egypt: I don't know if they were 'smoking and snorting' or not. From my personal point of view, I thought maybe any trade goods from the New World would be so scarce that they would be considered 'desirable' by the ruling classes solely because of the exclusivity issue alone and would therefore be used as some of the substances added to the embalming procedure/chemical process. Sort of like,
'Hey, Aman Ho-tep, what kind of jazzy embalming fluid did you cook up for King Tut?'
'Oh, brother. I used some of those wacky leaves from the End of the Earth!'
'Really, man?!? Did you use the stuff that makes your lip numb or the stuff that smells when you burn it?'
'Both! I used lots, too. Tut's gonna feel numb for a long time!!'
'Dig it!!'

Back to your earlier reply: Hadn't thought about King Tut firing up a Stogie after a little nose-candy, but I'll take your thoughts into consideration. :lol: I do like the idea of seeds from the New World being brought to Egypt! Lot easier to carry a seed than a bunch of leaves!


West R Lee

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Nov 19, 2005
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East Texas
gilded said:
gilded said:
fronobulax said:
.....I personally think there was contact much earlier than we believe and such contact does not require Alien Abductions to explain. But I don't think the contact was extensive enough to lead to serious trading and the kind of trade infrastructure.....

[Please note: After thinking about it for a day, I have edited the first post extensively, because it was clumsily written and obscured whatever salient points may have been present in my already famously dim style of writing...]

frono, when you mentioned 'serious trading' and 'trade infrastructure', I thought of something that may be somewhat analogous to the whole concept of Egyptian/Mayan trade....

it has to do with a piece of property wife's family owns, about 40 miles west of my home town in N. Central Texas. This property has 'frontage' on both the Brazos River and the Palo Pinto Creek 'System'. In fact, there is one spot where the Creek and the River join together. Along this water 'frontage' is a low-lying river Plain that stretches for 200-300 yards into the property. The plain runs into a small hill. There is a low rise at the bottom of the hill.

This 'rise' offers a great view of the confluence of the waters and the 'early-early' Indian tribes (Paleo-Indians, Archaic Indians, etc.) used to take advantage of the rise and lay in wait for the local game that would sneak out of the hills and brambles to snatch a quick drink at Dusk and Dawn. To keep themselves busy as they sat on the rise, the Indians would re-sharpen their flint skinning tools, Atlatl points (predating the concept of the bow and arrow, an Atlatl is a short spear that is launched out of a separate shaft with a cup on the end of it. The short spear fits in the cup, creating a lever-like effect when the spear is launched, etc.). [see]

I know this is true, because you can still find the discarded broken points and tools on the ground after a hard rain, particularly where a dirt road crosses the low rise.

Interestingly, all these 'hunting points' and 'tools' are made from flint that comes from Michigan, over a 1,000 miles away.
And again, no arrow heads which means that the Michigan Flint tools and points' were left on the ground between 10,000 to 2,000 years ago!

frono, How did that Michigan flint rock get to Texas? You think there was a little bit of trading going on between Texas and Michigan? Some infrastructure?? I do!!

Back to Egypt: I don't know if they were 'smoking and snorting' or not. From my personal point of view, I thought maybe any trade goods from the New World would be so scarce that they would be considered 'desirable' by the ruling classes solely because of the exclusivity issue alone and would therefore be used as some of the substances added to the embalming procedure/chemical process. Sort of like,
'Hey, Aman Ho-tep, what kind of jazzy embalming fluid did you cook up for King Tut?'
'Oh, brother. I used some of those wacky leaves from the End of the Earth!'
'Really, man?!? Did you use the stuff that makes your lip numb or the stuff that smells when you burn it?'
'Both! I used lots, too. Tut's gonna feel numb for a long time!!'
'Dig it!!'

Back to your earlier reply: Hadn't thought about King Tut firing up a Stogie after a little nose-candy, but I'll take your thoughts into consideration. :lol: I do like the idea of seeds from the New World being brought to Egypt! Lot easier to carry a seed than a bunch of leaves!


Absolutely fascinating :lol: :lol: Harry, where's your wife's parents place..... Jacksboro, Stephenville, Weatherford, Possum Kingdom area? Nevermind Harry, I was thinking 40 miles west of Fort bad!



Senior Member
May 2, 2007
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West R Lee said:
Absolutely fascinating :lol: :lol: Harry, where's your wife's parents place..... Jacksboro, Stephenville, Weatherford, Possum Kingdom area? Nevermind Harry, I was thinking 40 miles west of Fort bad!


Sent you a PM, dude.

West R Lee

Venerated Member
Nov 19, 2005
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East Texas
gilded said:
West R Lee said:
Absolutely fascinating :lol: :lol: Harry, where's your wife's parents place..... Jacksboro, Stephenville, Weatherford, Possum Kingdom area? Nevermind Harry, I was thinking 40 miles west of Fort bad!


Sent you a PM, dude.

Thanks Harry....we may take you up on your, that's cool. :)



Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Sillycon Valley CA
fronobulax said:
I personally think there was contact much earlier than we believe and such contact does not require Alien Abductions to explain.
I'm with you. Thor Hyerdahl proved the Atlantic could have been crossed from Egypt to South America using a raft made from a species of papyrus reed the Egyptians still use. What's even more intriguing is that, according to Heyerdahl, the exact same species of reed is found on Lake Titicaca in Peru and is used for the same purpose with the same construction techniques. We also now know the Chinese were on the coast of Central America in something like 700 AD, I think it was, and now I think that trade route, like Gilded described, is even more likely than the trans-Atlantic route.
Hope we find out what really happened before the Mayan calendar causes the end of the world in 2012. :shock: :lol:


Senior Member
May 2, 2007
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Al, I read this weekend they found another calendar system that goes waaayyy out into the future. Looks like we're safe, whew! And you know it's true, cause the National Geographic guys say it is!! ... d-science/

That's the positive side. The negative side? Think of all the money you were gonna save on Xmas presents if the Dec 21st deadline was correct...


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Sillycon Valley CA
gilded said:
Al, I read this weekend they found another calendar system that goes waaayyy out into the future. Looks like we're safe, whew! And you know it's true, cause the National Geographic guys say it is!!
Yeah but those guys think we actually went to the moon.
I mean, they've printed photographs and everything.
Usually I consider them to be a fairly credible source, until they started letting some "editorial slant" creep into things.
But take away all that "recorded history" and what have ya got?
Nuttin' but mysteries for those who come later to speculate upon:
"But Zygoat, how do you explain the presence of all this litter....?"
"It must have been aliens, Reegermortiss. Obviously humanoids couldn't have survived in this airless environment, even if they could've gotten here...."
There's a deep truism here that's often overlooked:
Where man goes, litter follows.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2011
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I always feel a little smug satisfaction when I read articles that seem to throw current scientific theories out the door. I like to remind my kids that whether it's geological, evolutionary, dinosaurs, Big Bang, String or whatever, it's still theory and not necessarily fact.


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Sillycon Valley CA
Ravon said:
I always feel a little smug satisfaction when I read articles that seem to throw current scientific theories out the door. I like to remind my kids that whether it's geological, evolutionary, dinosaurs, Big Bang, String or whatever, it's still theory and not necessarily fact.
Good point. In fact, just because we think, does it mean we actually are? :lol:


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Apr 8, 2011
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adorshki said:
Ravon said:
I always feel a little smug satisfaction when I read articles that seem to throw current scientific theories out the door. I like to remind my kids that whether it's geological, evolutionary, dinosaurs, Big Bang, String or whatever, it's still theory and not necessarily fact.
Good point. In fact, just because we think, does it mean we actually are? :lol:
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