Real life funnies


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
North Florida
One of my bosses had been a Marine in Vietnam. He told this story.

There were trashcans behind the kitchen at the mess tent. There was a snake that the guys would feed kitchen scraps to, so it hung out at the cans. A new guy comes in and the kitchen staff send him out to empty the trash, knowing the snake would be there.

The guy takes the lid off of the trashcan, which is like a dinner bell to the snake and it slowly rises up from the other side of the can.

The guy screams, throws the lid and starts running. The kitchen staff crack up laughing. The guy stops and cusses them, then runs some more, stops to cuss, runs some more, and so on.

He ran so far they had to go get him in the Jeep.
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