Is interest in making - playing music declining?


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2011
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
By looking at the mainstream media I tend to agree with many of you that interest is declining & that music doesn't have the same importance in young people's lives like it once did.

I then look at my immediate circle of friends & things are different :-
- My god-daughter goes to a school where learning musical instruments is encouraged. She plays a bit of guitar, but mostly sings. She is in a class/program in school called "Rock Band" where an ensemble regularly performs. A whole lot of classical tuition there as well
- A lot of my friend's kids are learning piano or violin. A few guitarists there & there as well.
- A friend now has 2 music schools going gangbusters in the area. Yes, mostly vocal training but also guitar, piano, sax, violin etc.