CV-2C LTG member's review


Jun 27, 2009
Reaction score
How long have you owned the CV-2C: approximately 2 years?
Year & specific model: CV-2C, one sunburst, one blonde.
Purchased new or used: "used" "blemished" from ebay
Price paid: circa 900 $ each

Owners rate 1 (least appreciated) to 10 (most appreciated) in following categories with comments as desired:

Build quality: 9 (average of 10 for the blonde, which is flawless, and 8 for the sunburst, whose finish is not perfect and has a slightly lower neck angle...)
Looks : 8.5 (the quality of the woods is outstanding and the sunburst finish of #2 is striking, but all the contemporary series have a quite...well contemporary look, small abalone dots, no binding on the heastock, they're not as flashy as the traditional high end Guilds)
Projection : 8 ( the sunburst is noticeably louder than the blonde, which is a quiet guitar, they both took time to open up)
Bass : 8
Mids : 10
Highs : 9
Sustain : 8.5
Playability/comfort : 9.5 (10 for the blonde due to a perfect neck angle, 9 for the sunburst which is slightly harder although the saddle is almost flush to the body)
Dependability : 8
Fingerstyle : 10 (I assume that these guitars were made for fingerstyle due to the large neck, not really my style however)
Flatpick : 9 ( good also for solo works, has 21 frets)
Strum : 8.5 (nice tone but if you strum hard the guitars sound a little on the soft side)

Condition (Mint/Excellent/Good/Fair/Poor): received mint and still are mint.

Favorite Strings (one selection only): Elixir custom light.

Would you buy another if lost/sold: well after purchasing the blonde I GASSED for a sunburst, and so far it seems I was lucky because I never had any problem with these guitars unlike other members, if I had room home I'd buy an iced tea but it would be too much!

Overall Assessment: the Contemporary have been largely discussed on this board, my experience with them is pretty good, I think that the Tacoma guys had interesting ideas about design, I disassembled the infamous graphite neck and it's something completely different from anything I've seen, unfortunately it seems that these concepts would have needed more time to mature, but Fender pulled the plug after the acquisition of Kaman and closed Tacoma after few years of production. IMO if somebody finds one of these without issues he won't be disappointed, the materials were top notch and the results from an acoustic point of view are astonishing.

Most Appreciated Characteristic: the sound and playability
Least Appreciated: the stock pickguard is the same used on the GAD series and it doesn't look very Guildish to me, although the material is pretty nice, onthe Sunburst I opted for a NOS traditional Guild one.
Favorite CV-2C Guitar Story/Moment: when I first opened the TKL case.

Other observations/comments: the entire story is on the board, very long thread.

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Here there are a couple of ugly pics of the two beautiful guitars.
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