Thanks guys. It is definitely not the GSR. It doesn't have the 335 shape as the GSR. Unfortunately I have no photos. It was one of those things. Sitting in a bar with some friends, conversation starts, one of them has a buddy who has it, and might sell/is selling/would sell. Call him up. Guy sends a couple of photos to my friend's phone and I look at the photos on his phone. Guy says it's custom shop, says custom shop on it, looks like the classic Guild starfire shape. Not like the GSR. 2 humbuckers and not the 3 pickups one.
So there were 2 custom shops, Nashville and New Hartford? So not real custom but just limited editions? What is special about them then? Price is just based on rarity or are you getting something more over a normal production starfire? If they were at least real custom shop one offs, at least not having 2 alike would be somehow cool. But if it's only a bit more rare, but a series with a few of them, not sure I will overpay. For example I just read that the 3 pickups custom shop one is actually a series, with different colors etc. Not a one off at all or even just 3 or 5. For that i would rather just go with a normal starfire and save. Unless of course the neck is perfect and it plays like butter and I fall in love.
I have the guy's number. But don't want to call till I know enough to either negotiate or at least know what I might be buying. Also he is on vacation now anyhow. So a have a bit of time. The guitar is not listed anywhere for sale either. So I don't think I have to hurry.
My main questions are, were there other custom shop starfires apart from the 3 pickups and GSR? Were there any one offs? Will it definitely be either from Nashville or New Hartford?