NGD - GAD 50


Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
SE Idaho
The brown truck pulled up in front of the house yesterday and delivered unto me a new gad 50!

I am pleased, overall, and the rosewood gas is not really abating but rather well fed at the moment.

A couple of others have offered detailed reviews (which I found quite useful - thanks) so I won't go on too long, but just to say that I'm very impressed with the quality of the instrument - very clean inside and out. The mahogany binding, in particular, is just lovely. I spent three hours last night playing and tweaking it. Took the saddle down a bit, adjusted the truss rod for a tad more relief, and put new strings on it.

This was a factory blemish on ebay, and the only flaw I can find is that the nut is not level along the top surface, which means that the low E string (and A to a lesser extent) sit a bit high off the frets, but not so much that it affects playability. It actually took some staring to find the flaw. Why they didn't just drop in a new nut at the factory is beyond me. It's an easy fix that I will deal with in the near future.

It sounds great! Got that rosewood punch that I was jonesing for. Very good note separation and balance across the strings. A bit more bass oomph would be nice but I figure if I hit that low E string enough times and hard enough it will develop a bigger bottom end. The sustain is comparable to my Lowden (cedar/mahogany) but with those luscious rosewood overtones!

In terms of volume it seems pretty strong, but the real test will come when I get together with my playing partners and their Collings and Santa Cruz dreads. Those Collings dreads are absolute cannons, but I think the Guild will perform respectably alongside them.

I'm going to put a Highlander p/u in this one in a month or so.

Oh Happy Day! :D



Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
SE Idaho
Sorry for the triple post - the site didn't seem to be responding so I hit stop and then resubmitted.

Newbie still, I guess. I can't figure out how to delete the two extras, maybe Don can intervene??

Do I seem a little excited to you??!!!



Gone But Not Forgotten
Gone But Not Forgotten
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, MI
Guild Total
Hi Bill, glad you like your new guit!

Yeah, those Collings are great guitars. If I could afford one I'd like to own one, but I can't even sing The Working Man Blues at this point :roll:

Guess I'll have to be satisfied with my Guilds :wink: