Dynasonics: surround vs mounting ring

Darryl Hattenhauer

Venerated Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ, USA
On a dynasonic, what's the difference between a surround and a mounting ring? The bobbin is the part that's usually black on a Gretsch and white on a Guild, right? And the oblong metal that screws down to the top is what, a surround or a mounting ring?


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
Coopersburg, PA
Hi Darryl,

I am not sure where your going with this inquiry but I would say a dyansonic "surround" is a metal or plastic piece that is applied over the pickup to cover any exposures resulting from the mounting process. However from what I see a Dynasonic is a surface mount pup so a surround is not required. On the other hand it could use a "mounting ring" which would normally be a shaped spacer inserts that get mounded between the pickup and the guitar and is used to adjust height.

The language is a bit precise when talking about a Dynasonic. If you were talking Filtertron pickup then they use a "surround" that gets installed over the pickup and it covers the exposed gap from the pickup installation. Similarly when looking at a recessed DeA model 2000 or 2k a thin chrome metal surround is used to cover the body route and installation.

If talking about a surface mounted DEA 200, 2000 or 2K then you would use a "mounting ring" made out of thin plastic. They come in thin flat and thick tapered styles and are used as spacers.

If you look at this even more as when the single coil pups that Guild used, like the Mickey Mouse and Soapbar, they used a bezel to mount to the guitar. A bezel mounts the pickup, allows for height adjustment and covers any exposures from the installation. Similarly Humbuckers are usually mounted with a bezel.



Darryl Hattenhauer

Venerated Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Thanks Matt. Are surrounds, bezels, and spacers usually plastic?

What I'm getting at is to try to find the right name for the chrome or gold metal part of a dynasonic that goes around the sides of the pickup and also screws down to the top of the gutitar, whether through a spacer or not.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
Coopersburg, PA
In the examples of bezels and spacers I have seen they are plastic. I have seen on ebay spacers for old Dearmond pickups that have thick wooden spacers.

I think I would call that a pickup "casement" or "housing". Many would not discriminate beetween the bobbin part and the superstructure that holds a pickup together so refering to the pickup "housing" may add some confusion to those not familar in how PUPs are build. And since pickups come in many designs which may add other confusion.
