Sano Supersonic High Fidelity Amplifier......


Junior Member
Dec 21, 2013
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Roxboro, NC
I may be on to something. Jazbo8, over on the Hoffman Amp site made a statement that came from some literature that he read. He stated that the Tremolo in some of the amps worked only from the Accordion (Stereophonic) input. That made me go back and look closer at the circuit. Yesterday (Sunday), I took voltage readings on V3a and confirmed that I have oscillation, all the way up to V1b-pin 7. The oscillation at pin 7 is very small. But, it's there. And, I don't have a reference to tell me just how much is needed at this point. I have a steady voltage at pins 6 & 8.

When Jazbo8 made his statement, that's when I started thinking that the Guitar, Instrument, and Pre-amp signals may be isolated from the oscillating signal. And that I would only get an oscillating amplified signal if I had an input on V1a-pin 2.

So, I'm on a quest to make up an adapter to provide input jacks for the three channels at the Stereophonic input. Anyway, that's the direction I'm headed. I would also like to thank Sluckey on the Hoffman site for getting me focused on the Tremolo oscillator circuit, and confirm its operation from voltage checks. Sometimes, the obvious is not so obvious. I'll be back with the results, when the adapter is built. Have a good one.



Junior Member
Dec 21, 2013
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Roxboro, NC
Didn't mean to go so long without an update. The amp is completely finished, and it's a killer amp. The big 15" speaker is paralleled with an 8", and a capacitor on the smaller speaker. I may have to replace that cap, if the amp is to ever be used as a Bass amp. We tried it after Church, a few Sundays back, and it hits that speaker rather hard. However, as a guitar amp, it's really, really nice. Great Tremolo, and strong Reverb. Made an input adapter box out of some parts laying around. But, at least I can connect to the Treble and Bass Accordion inputs. Tremolo only works on the Treble channel of this input. Reverb is driven directly off of the main power amp out (connected to the speaker terminals). So, everything that goes through the amp can have Reverb. Footswitch-able, of course.

I have another later version of this amp that is not at all configured like this one. So, if you ever run across an Excelsior 30-50WR, you will more than likely be looking at my model Sano Supersonic. It's well worth picking up. Meaning, obtaining. This is one heavy beast. I have a nice wide deck, rubber-tired hand truck to move this one.



Enlightened Member
Jun 8, 2016
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The Evergreen State
A little thread resurrection... ;-)

I went to look at an old Harmony Monterey stupid cheap ($75), just a few years ago, and I ended up getting about two carloads of stuff, at equally stupid prices... and the guy had some really unique stuff! A Tel Ray Ad-n-Echo that worked! More guitars, but he was keeping the best stuff (downsizing, moving to Hawaii), and a coupple of the quirkier things I got from him was a MINT Sano just like this one, had a few playing issues, but MINT with original cover! I forget what he wanted for that one, $125? Also odd, and I had to come back with an empty car for those, a pair of just about beyond rare Leslie house stereo speakers that were HUGE!

I'll dig up some pics of the Sano, that was probably just about the weirdest amp I've ever had. It was really sensitive to guitar changes, plug a Les Paul in there and look out, it ripped!

Hey, there's a guy on here that likes old Power Wagons?

And Panheads?

I love this place!



Enlightened Member
Jun 8, 2016
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The Evergreen State
Here's the pics, found them... only 10,000 pics in that computer... The reason you don't see a badge on the front is because I pulled it off and put it in a baggie, it was an accordion maker, I want to say Crucianelli but I don't remember for sure. Probably just about the most unusual amp I ever picked up, for weirdness it topped the Magnatone (2x10's, 2 tweeters in front of the chassis) that I had picked up from an old guys garage, and it had the cover too. I went to the guys place to get boat gas can or a set of truck tire chains or something similar I can't remember... and before leaving I asked "hey, do you have any musical instruments?", and he says "nope, except for this old amp..." and he walked me into the garage and there it was...

Back to the Sano, cover AND original footswitch!



Last edited:
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Sano 50w sr

Just found this on the net trying to find out what was the badge name that was on it, didn't find it, but I found this, for anyone who has an interest in these old amps. I never saw this page back when I had the amp.

I just found this post. I have this old Sano that was sitting around for a couple of years. I was googling it to see what it might be worth and found this here. It looks to be a super cool amp so now I am not sure if I should sell it. Mine is pretty close to mint. Does anyone know anything that might help me about this amp? Is it similar to an Ampeg in any way? What do you guys think this amp is worth for a fair price? The speaker cones look brand new and the tubes are all Bugle Boy!!<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo DSC09351_zps46ujspx9.jpg"/></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo DSC09342_zpsddxqxidp.jpg"/></a>
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