Mono M80 Dual Electric Gig Bag


Jan 3, 2018
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Hello hello!! Quick question - Does anyone have any experience with the Mono M80 Dual electric soft case? I am trying to find out if my NS Starfire V (Guildsby equipped) can squeeze in.

Long explanation:
I am finding myself in a bit of a pickle. I have 3 "main" guitars that are in constant rotation. My Guild Starfire V (swapped the wiring harness to CTS and is otherwise stock) which is an absolute work horse and extremely reliable, a Gibson Les Paul (was always a dream guitar that I emotionally connect with even though it is a bit of a bear in every other way, lol), and a new acquisition that is basically a Jazzmaster with dual p90's and Gibson control layout (really enjoying this thing!). These are obviously very different shapes and I am hoping to find a dual guitar case that can accommodate any two at a time. Sometimes I use the LP and the JM others the Guild and the JM, etc.

I see where Mono has a Semi Hollow and standard electric option, but my concern is that the semi hollow side will be too big and allow a smaller guitar to move too much. I have tried to search around the internet for info but have found little actually helpful information. I am about to just go to Guitar Center and order one and then use their 45 day return policy if it doesn't fit but that kind of seems wasteful (shipping, fuel, time, etc).

Any insight and experience into this "problem?" Obviously I can carry two hard cases and have been, but if there's an alternative that works...? I'm here for it.


Jan 3, 2018
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Alrighty! So... I went ahead and bit the bullet. I bought the Mono bag the same day I posted this. It was delayed in arrival due to storms and such but arrived today. It's a nice bag, I like it.

My Starfire V can fit inside the compartment with a bit of stretching. HOWEVER the stretching that takes place is strong enough to prevent the zippers from closing. So it doesn't function. This makes sense and is somewhat expected even if slightly disappointing. I think I could force the zippers closed but that would put big strain on the bag and probably shorten the length of the bag. Because of that I am thinking that I'll be returning it.

Not sure if anyone has any experience with Reunion Blues bags. In just my short experience with the Mono (only today) and the RB (about a month), the RB is a better case. Less features, but more "bullet proof" I think. I put my Jazzmaster in the Mono, and then my Les Paul on top. Left it in there for less than ten minutes and then took it out to test the Guild. When I removed the Jazzmaster the back neck plate had left some marks on the interior of the Mono case. Not quite a tear, but much more than just a simple indentation. I am not sure it would hold up with in town travel and all the load/unload and week after week of use.

Time will tell for the RB. But the Mono is...twice the price? And the interior doesn't seem as nice? It definitely has more pockets. So if you need ULTIMATE storage capabilities then Mono may be worth while. But I think for me the Reunion Blues will be the way to go. If I change my mind between now and when I can make it to Guitar Center I'll post back and say. Hopefully this post can save someone some time and energies.

Mono does make a Dual bag for Semi Hollow and standard solid body. But it'll be too big I think for the other guitars and I don't *ALWAYS* take my SFV. It's in heavy rotation, but not a guarantee. If I had all the moneys I would buy that and keep my RB but unfortunately it's looking like it'll be only one case for now. Especially since that interior doesn't seem to last. I'm curious if anyone has experience with any other mono cases and how the interior holds up. Let me know if you do.

Thanks everyone! Like I said, hopefully this can be helpful for someone else later on down the road. 🙂


Jan 3, 2018
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Tried again today and was able to get the zippers fully closed but there is quite a bit of strain, so it definitely doesn't fit. I've been scheming up a possible alternative so the Mono will be going back. It's a nice case!! I think it's more rigid than the RB. But I do have concerns about the interior.


Aug 25, 2018
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Northants, UK
I have 4 Mono bags including one I bought for my Gibson 335. I was hoping my Starfire III would fit as well, but while I can just about get it in, it’s way too tight. When I saw it didn’t fit, I didn’t try and stretch the fabric or force the zips

I’ve had two of the bags for 5 years now and never ever had a problem with guitars marking the interior.

The bags are extremely strong and protect guitars very well. I use 2 bags for Gibson guitars, LPs & 335, so always concerned at neck breaks. The neck protector certainly helps prevent them.

My bags are for single guitars rather than two, but I’m sure they are of similar manufacture to the dual electric. Carrying a single LP is tiring enough for me, let alone two


Jan 3, 2018
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So what I am thinking about doing is getting the dual semi hollow bag. It has one side for a SFV/335 size and the other side for a more standard electric size (like a strat or something). I am thinking I could get some packing foam blocks and cut out an insert for my LP to fit in the semi hollow side, and keep the JM on the other side.

I am glad that the interior has held up for you, @johnreardon
That is encouraging for me. I put that JM and the neck plate screws left marks. No rips or anything, but definitely more than a simple indentation. If this dual semi hollow works well with the cutouts I may just put a small towel down or something to ease my mind.


Jan 3, 2018
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So….It’s been a minute. I am reporting back on some things. The Mono Semi Hollow Bag is definitely the best bet. I went ahead and ordered one, everything fits. I even found some foam squares so I could cut out the shape of a solid body to “convert” it into a dual electric bag. If the Starfire shape is a MUST then this is for sure the best way to go. However, it is a HUGE case. So huge in fact that it doesn’t actually fit in my car. So I bought a new car!!

Just kidding. The case went back. :(

I was getting nervous about the reunion blues case stretching out (as I have seen it start to do so) and then the interior beginning to rip or separate from the pressure of the headstock. Much to my wife and I’s collective dismay I just couldn’t get to feeling settled. And so I did what any crazy musician person (who’s not wanting to spend a ton of money while also making the best possible decision) would do. I ordered the dual electric bag AGAIN from a different store.

BUT!! the reason I did this was because some of y’all mentioned that you haven’t any problems with the interior of the mono ripping from the back neck plate of bolt on guitars. So I thought “maybe the one I got was a defective in some way?”

It arrived in the mail last weekend and I was able to put it through some paces. The first case was defective, I'm convinced now. This one works much better. The Mono case is nice, and I think that it also has more protection available. It’s harder to bend compared to Reunion Blues, and there is a foam type material that is the interior (underneath a thin fabric). But I don’t think that the thin fabric that guitar touches is as robust as the RB.

I will be sticking with the RB case for now. If it wears out quickly then I will purchase the Mono next go 'round. But for now, the RB is easier to use and load guitars in/out of, carry and place in my tiny car, etc. The interior fabric is more robust. I’ve seen reports of professional touring musicians using the RB case with no issues. Including overhead bins of planes. With my needs being significantly less I think it will be a great fit. The Mono was showing indentation and wear marks after just a week of very light use. When I bring my Starfire, I’ll just have to carry two cases (another win for the RB as it’s smaller and easier to use for just one guitar when needed).

If someone wanted to use the Mono and have the Jazz Master style trem collet (without the arm) I highly recommend putting a town over that so it protects the interior of the case. Because that collet rubbing against the interior is going to wear through that. I'm convinced.

I appreciate all y’all’s help and insights. Hopefully this is helpful for anyone who stumbles upon a similar problem. Or is entertaining to those who enjoy watching “crazy musician people (who don’t want to spend a ton of money while also make the best possible decisions)” squirm.


Reverential Member
Gold Supporting
Nov 7, 2007
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Central Massachusetts
@GSFV I didn't read everything, but no way I would trust that bag with two guitars in it. Just me talkin'.


Jan 3, 2018
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@GSFV I didn't read everything, but no way I would trust that bag with two guitars in it. Just me talkin'.
By "that bag" do you mean Reunion Blues? Or just a gig bag in general?
Do you have any hands on experience with them?


Reverential Member
Gold Supporting
Nov 7, 2007
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Central Massachusetts
By "that bag" do you mean Reunion Blues? Or just a gig bag in general?
Do you have any hands on experience with them?
Sorry, I was talking about the one you linked to, the Mono M80. And, no... No experience, just a very healthy lack of trust...


Jan 3, 2018
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Gotcha. That makes sense. I totally understand. I was in the same boat until I saw some big name professionals use them. Some of those guys will even check the guitars under the plane in these bags. Which is wild to me!!

Thankfully I’m just driving across town. :)
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