Doyle Dyles Live on Facebook -- Highlights for those of you not on FB


Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania
If you are on Facebook, you can catch the recording at:

Doyle Dykes Live

A few highlights I remember:

  • Yes, he has officially signed with Guild (but we knew that.)
  • Quote: "I am so happy to be back with Guild. It has always been such a huge part of my life. I had nothing to do with leaving Guild. It was a pure business decision on the new owners part." Apparently when they shut down the NH factory, they cancelled all contracts as well to make a clean break.
  • The pictures in the Oxnard visit showed him playing stock Guilds. When they signed him, he asked if he should get some new Guilds to play at events, and they said: "Why don't you keep playing your signature Guilds" -- in such a way he thought they might be bringing them back into production. If you check out Guild's Facebook page, they make a point of drawing attention to him playing his custom DD Guild:
    "Guild friend and longtime fan and player Doyle Dykes stopped by the Guild factory last week to play a few tunes for our manufacturing team on a new F-512 Maple. Swipe through ➡️ to see don’t want to miss the last pic!"
  • "The new owners are passionate about making great guitars. They don't say they want to make the most guitars -- I've heard that from other companies I have been with and it always made me a bit uncomfortable. But they said they just want to produce the best guitars Guild has ever made while it is under their watch because they respect the brand name so much."
  • He mentions that the original DD 6 String was made by Ren Ferguson personally.
  • GHS is coming out with a new Signature set of Doyle Dykes Strings (they already have PBs and Nylons). This is new. "But I can't talk about it yet..."
  • He plays a tune (The End by Pearl Jam) on something I thought was a Godin, but turns out it was a Sands Guitar (never heard of them, but they have Chet Atkins seal of approval, so there's that...)
  • Plays a Tom Petty song on his 12 String.
  • About Godin Guitars. He has nothing but nice things to say about them. There were no problems between them. But he had reached out to the owners and asked if they wanted to continue on with what they were doing together, and he didn't hear back from them, so he decided it was time for him to move on. While he was trying to decide what to do next, he was talking with Thad Tegtmeyer at Sweetwater, and he said: "Have you thought of getting back with Guild?" Doyle said "Most people think I'm still with Guild." And Thad set up the initial meeting. Turns out, Guild had already been discussing reaching out to him, so it all worked out.
  • Martin McQuade at Guitar Player magazine will be doing an article on Doyle in an upcoming issue.

That's all I got!

Brad Little

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Dec 19, 2008
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If you are on Facebook, you can catch the recording at:

Doyle Dykes Live
  • He plays a tune (The End by Pearl Jam) on something I thought was a Godin, but turns out it was a Sands Guitar (never heard of them, but they have Chet Atkins seal of approval, so there's that...)
Been a fan of Kirk's guitars for years, didn't know I worked with his cousin, but when she found out I played guitar, she kept me updated on him and I copied guitar mag articles about him for her. He did visit Guild in NH at least once, might even have been with Doyle or possibly Jose Feliciano-another Sands player, at least at times.


Enlightened Member
Nov 28, 2015
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North Idaho
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I'm still a little regretful about not promptly getting that burst DD12 model that was up on reverb for a year, then was suddenly picked up by some lucky player. With some guitar bucks burning a hole in my pocket, I instead picked up a rosewood burst 2018 Gibson Songwriter 12-string, which I have no regrets about....


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Sillycon Valley CA
[*] The pictures in the Oxnard visit showed him playing stock Guilds. When they signed him, he asked if he should get some new Guilds to play at events, and they said: "Why don't you keep playing your signature Guilds" -- in such a way he thought they might be bringing them back into production. If you check out Guild's Facebook page, they make a point of drawing attention to him playing his custom DD Guild:
That's all I got!

Those were my beloved 16" lower bout F-body ("Grand Auditorium") based on the F47!!
Now I'm gonna have to start gettin' ready to put my money where my mouth is.


Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania
Well, you probably have time. BTW, later in the video he mentioned that he was sitting around the dinner table with the Guild principals and they all but told him they were going to put it back in production. Nothing guaranteed, but sounded hopeful. I'm guessing that you wouldn't bring Doyle back NOT to reissue the DD12 and DD6...


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Sillycon Valley CA
Well, you probably have time. BTW, later in the video he mentioned that he was sitting around the dinner table with the Guild principals and they all but told him they were going to put it back in production. Nothing guaranteed, but sounded hopeful. I'm guessing that you wouldn't bring Doyle back NOT to reissue the DD12 and DD6...

Well you know it's been my pet crusade for the last year or so.
Of course, I still want a short scale neck, so I'll probably still have to wait for a custom order option.


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2007
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I got to play Doyle's Sand guitar at NAMM one year...a very special instrument...also played his signature guitar by Ren...once you've experienced the best...

Doyle's been with GHS for some time...

Note: the link is working for those of us not on facebook...just click the arrow on the video to start it.
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Enlightened Member
Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
Well you know it's been my pet crusade for the last year or so.
Of course, I still want a short scale neck, so I'll probably still have to wait for a custom order option.

The DD Models actually have a shorter than regular Guild scale neck already if I am not mistaken. It was one of Doyle's signature touches to the guitar.

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Venerated Member
Nov 20, 2010
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Bavaria / Germany
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...but turns out it was a Sand Guitar (never heard of them, but they have Chet Atkins seal of approval, so there's that...)
Doyle owned and played Kirk Sand guitars in the past.
Guild produced a signature model based on Kirk Sand's ideas together with Doyle and Ren Ferguson for NAMM 2014, Jane was the only LTG member (besides the FMIC employees) who actually saw and touched the prototype live.
Anyway, as far as I know only one single one was ever made, it's such a pity as it was so great sounding.

It is an outstanding model. We have discussued it a few times back in 2014.
Most of the info and videos are here:

But what Doyle is playing after minute 53:20 is a real Kirk Sand model, not the Guild ! You can see it from the headstock shape and no Guild logo.

He also played a Guild guitar he never played before from the Gruhn area in the 80ies, see about minute 44:40 to about 53:00, he got her as a gift from a gentleman at Church! That was really new to me.

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Reverential Morlock
Feb 11, 2009
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NJ (The nice part)
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Well that video seals it. He's better than me. :encouragement:

I dig the bight jangly sound from that first DD guitar!


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Doyle owned and played Kirk Sand guitars in the past.
Guild produced a signature model based on Kirk Sand's ideas together with Doyle and Ren Ferguson for NAMM 2014, Jane was the only LTG member (besides the FMIC employees) who actually saw and touched the prototype live.
Anyway, as far as I know only one single one was ever made, it's such a pity as it was so great sounding.

It is an outstanding model. We have discussued it a few times back in 2014.
Most of the info and videos are here:

But what Doyle is playing after minute 53:20 is a real Kirk Sand model, not the Guild ! You can see it from the headstock shape and no Guild logo.

He also played a Guild guitar he never played before from the Gruhn area in the 80ies, see about minute 44:40 to about 53:00, he got her as a gift from a gentleman at Church! That was really new to me.


Thanks, Ralf. I didn't watch the whole vid yet and didn't get a good look at the are quite correct...I played the real was outstanding...even tho my hands don't fit the wider fretboard on it.


Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania
Well that video seals it. He's better than me. :encouragement:

Ha! I hear you... although this video did it for me...

It's interesting, in that he is asked to compare Guild to Taylor. The only thing is that DD is very loyal, and so his answer is nuanced. I'd love to sit down with him off the record and get what he really thinks.

Anyway, in the video, he talks about Taylor vs Guild at 29:15

Great quote from Ren Ferguson at 31:28:

"Never build a guitar out of anything that doesn't already have music in it."

But what blew me away was some guy in the audience asked him to play an old song he had recorded called "Twin Six Shooters." (At 59:16). I think we've all been asked to play a song that we know, and that we used to do all of the time, but its been awhile... you know the feeling as you try to sort of work your way through it until the muscle memory comes back. Well, he thinks a moments, and then just brings it. It was really impressive -- at least to me. It takes me much longer to remember much less complicated songs.
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Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania
Doyle owned and played Kirk Sand guitars in the past...
He also played a Guild guitar he never played before from the Gruhn area in the 80ies, see about minute 44:40 to about 53:00, he got her as a gift from a gentleman at Church! That was really new to me.

This is what I love about this forum. So much detail can be picked up. ANd, yeah, what surprised me a little was that he bought one of his own signature models from Guild. I just assumed that part of the deal was they just gave them to him to play.

Also interesting that his original guild, a starfire, was sold, and then made its way back to him. What can you say, the guys seems to attract Guild like a magnet!


Venerated Member
Nov 20, 2010
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Bavaria / Germany
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...what surprised me a little was that he bought one of his own signature models from Guild. I just assumed that part of the deal was they just gave them to him to play.
Actually that is something only he and Guild (or FMIC at that time) would be able to answer, I don't know. But Guild in New Hartford always stressed that they didn't give Guitars for free but the artists had to buy them. What the deal was with those kind of signature models might be different. Anyway, that was different from Westerly times for instance as far as I remember. In Westerly they were actively looking for endorsers and sponsed guitars, at least I think to remember this also from drumbob's stories.


Reverential Member
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Nov 7, 2007
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Central Massachusetts
^^ I think Ralf has that right. I recall a similar discussion about not giving away guitars. I really doubt that was a hard-and-fast rule, though, especially when they started sponsoring Doyle's appearances and building a signature model. Anyway, it seems silly (to me). You want your artist(s) to be happy, right? Regardless of whether or not they can afford to pay.


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Sillycon Valley CA
The DD Models actually have a shorter than regular Guild scale neck already if I am not mistaken. It was one of Doyle's signature touches to the guitar.
Yes but still 25.25", I mean a traditional Guild short-scale of 24-3/4", although 24.9" would probably work too.
Also DD's had a 1-3/4 nut which most likely won't work me.
I'm on a unicorn search really, because I want that 24-3/4" scale with a 1-11/16 nut and as far as I can tell, it was never actually offered on a flattop, although the 24-3/4" scale appeared on several of the Fxxce models.
It was used on the first F47ce in fact, which could be considered the grand-daddy of the DD6.
They even had a lovely 24-fret version fretboard.
2 full octaves.
But every one I've seen has a 1-5/8 nut, which is the one thing I'd change on my F65ce.
And that all assumes I want to buy vintage anyway, but you know me, I likes 'em brand spanking new.


Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania
^^ I think Ralf has that right. I recall a similar discussion about not giving away guitars. I really doubt that was a hard-and-fast rule, though, especially when they started sponsoring Doyle's appearances and building a signature model. Anyway, it seems silly (to me). You want your artist(s) to be happy, right? Regardless of whether or not they can afford to pay.

Yeah, it seems silly to me, too... I'm pretty sure Pete Townshend didn't buy a new Rickenbacker for every show out of his own money.


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Sillycon Valley CA
Yeah, it seems silly to me, too... I'm pretty sure Pete Townshend didn't buy a new Rickenbacker for every show out of his own money.
With due respect I don't think he did it for every show... but I think I get your point.

Here's the deal for endorsement philosophy at New Hartford:
If the guitar was free how do you know it's not just an endorsement for a free guitar?
It's like a bribe.
This way you know the artist really does want that brand/model enough to buy it.
Maybe at a steep discount but by golly it was bought.
In the '60's/70's/80's they did give 'em away but there were limits, as Drumbob told here:
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Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania
Here's the deal for endorsement philosophy at New Hartford:
If the guitar was free how do you know it's not just an endorsement for a free guitar?
It's like a bribe.
This way you know the artist really does want that brand/model enough to buy it.

I guess that's one way of looking at it... but OTOH,

What's the difference between endorsing a product for a paycheck, and endorsing a product for merchandise? I'm pretty sure that DD is getting paid for being on the Guild team (as much as he does like Guilds, I am sure there is monetary value for his endorsement...) Why is a paycheck somehow more legitimate?

Meanwhile, during the Pittsburgh Penguins Stanley Cup run, I saw this:


There's a situation that I hope they got paid in money and not in merchandise, but if they did get Rum instead, it probably explains how they lost in four to Columbus this year...

EDIT: Just read through the "Greedy Guitarist" thread. Interesting dialog. I guess it would depend on a lot of factors. Clearly the guy was acting like a rock star without earning it. And he wasn't trying to be reasonable from the sounds of it. Sounds like he was acting entitled.

But I could see someone saying: "OK, but I play different tunings during my show. And sometimes I switch to an electric and sometimes I switch to my other guitars for a specific tone. Do you really want me switching away from the S300 and play the next song on a Les Paul, because that's the one that has that tuning? What if that song ends up being the breakout? That's the one featured in Rolling Stones. And there I am playing a Gibson for it. If you're going to endorse me, don't you think every guitar on stage should be a Guild?"

That's what I would do. And then write every song in a different tuning, and ask for 10 Guilds... How can anyone on this forum fault a guy for trying to get more Guilds? ;)
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