Been a while since been on the forum


Enlightened Member
Jan 18, 2016
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Guild Total
Sounds boomy not the balanced guild sound I’d expect . Boomy guitars are hard to record cutting Eq doesn’t help the thoom sound :(


Being the guy who built first 24-track recording studio in Finland about 40 years ago - and later full-time F.O.H. mixing engineer :

Without knowing the microphone ( seems awful close - thus adding boom ) - these youtube-demos are worthless, unless they are comparing two or more guitars under same circumstances.

In my book Shure SM58 or SM57 are not microphones - they are doorstops - they still deserve their place in acoustic universe, as they are rugged and not the worst ...
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Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Sillycon Valley CA
oh sorry. well, i bet his ship will come in soon.

Well to be fair he didn't mention it (why he wants new)this time out, it was way back when he first joined and started asking why D55's weren't built with Adi tops.
He did get a new D55 which got dented and then went through the finish repair from hell, which Cordoba actually stepped up to the plate for, replacing it as a warranty due to the poor quality of the work done by a shop which was in the process of being "carried over" as an authorized Guild repair facility right after the sale of Guild to Cordoba.
I forget what happened after that, though.


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Sillycon Valley CA
Without knowing the microphone ( seems awful close - thus adding boom ) - these youtube-demos are worthless, unless they are comparing two or more guitars under same circumstances.

100% agreement.
Add to that the likelihood of being played back on less than optimal devices like cell phones and I kinda fail to see any point in 'em at all.

Westerly Wood

Venerated Member
Mar 21, 2007
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Well to be fair he didn't mention it (why he wants new)this time out, it was way back when he first joined and started asking why D55's weren't built with Adi tops.
He did get a new D55 which got dented and then went through the finish repair from hell, which Cordoba actually stepped up to the plate for, replacing it as a warranty due to the poor quality of the work done by a shop which was in the process of being "carried over" as an authorized Guild repair facility right after the sale of Guild to Cordoba.
I forget what happened after that, though.

stories like this make me amazed at my 1971 D25 some dude paid $225 for new, and I bet that is ballpark and from Hans' great Guild treatise. I bet dude paid like 175 tops...:)


Enlightened Member
Apr 19, 2015
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Being the guy who built first 24-track recording studio in Finland about 40 years ago - and later full-time F.O.H. mixing engineer :

Without knowing the microphone ( seems awful close - thus adding boom ) - these youtube-demos are worthless, unless they are comparing two or more guitars under same circumstances.

In my book Shure SM58 or SM57 are not microphones - they are doorstops - they still deserve their place in acoustic universe, as they are rugged and not the worst ...

Your right on the closeness part with the mic wow close is an understatement.

The mic yeah not sure what it is but it looks like a ribbon mic but that’s a guess .

I’ll stay optimistic and wait to here a few other models . This one though stays on the boomy side lol

First 24 track studio very cool !

The mic is a Royer 121 ribbon .

The have there place but more as live performance vocal work horses . In my book not a good choice for a high level studio recording for others it’s use what you got lol .
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Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
I know I am bitchin but I have been talking to them since they moved to calif. production and they promised by mid 2015 or end (1.5) yrs. after moving that they would be in production. Here it is 2017 and here is the real deal,I paid for a D55 last week and have been in contact with customer service at guild and they said D55 would be del'd in Jan to dealer.(sweetwater) . Well I get an email from them and it says, Your dealer has 11 on order and they have 7 customer paid orders so we will ship the orders first(7).Then we will ship the remaining 4 end of first qtr.. So if I have paid cash for mine then why don't they ship it? That's bull..


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Sillycon Valley CA
I know I am bitchin but I have been talking to them since they moved to calif. production and they promised by mid 2015 or end (1.5) yrs. after moving that they would be in production. Here it is 2017 and here is the real deal,I paid for a D55 last week and have been in contact with customer service at guild and they said D55 would be del'd in Jan to dealer.(sweetwater) . Well I get an email from them and it says, Your dealer has 11 on order and they have 7 customer paid orders so we will ship the orders first(7).Then we will ship the remaining 4 end of first qtr.. So if I have paid cash for mine then why don't they ship it? That's bull..

Kbob I'm sure if you paid 'em for the air freight they'd be able to get one on a helicopter and past the Ventura fire.
Tell ya what, if you only just put your order in a week ago, I got no sympathy.
Maybe one of the 7 people who beat you to the punch will follow your lead and cancel their order, and move you up in line.


Bassist, GAD and the Hot Mess Mods
May 3, 2007
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Central Virginia, USA
Guild Total
they promised

Part of the problem is believing a promise and not having a contract (explicit or implied) in hand, secured by payment. You can complain either way but in the latter case you can get a lawyer to help complain.


Enlightened Member
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
I know I am bitchin but I have been talking to them since they moved to calif. production and they promised by mid 2015 or end (1.5) yrs. after moving that they would be in production. Here it is 2017 and here is the real deal,I paid for a D55 last week and have been in contact with customer service at guild and they said D55 would be del'd in Jan to dealer.(sweetwater) . Well I get an email from them and it says, Your dealer has 11 on order and they have 7 customer paid orders so we will ship the orders first(7).Then we will ship the remaining 4 end of first qtr.. So if I have paid cash for mine then why don't they ship it? That's bull..

They’ll ship in the order they were reserved in .
I reserved my Epi les Paul Koa and asked them to pick out the best one and send pics and they did so .
I’d say be patient.


Senior Member
Mar 1, 2009
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metrowest MA
Sweetwater is first rate, in my experience.

I would expect them to accommodate your wishes, for example in cancelling an order if it won't be available for another 3+ months (and you don't wish to wait that long).


Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Sillycon Valley CA
They’ll ship in the order they were reserved in .
I reserved my Epi les Paul Koa and asked them to pick out the best one and send pics and they did so .
I’d say be patient.
I think you're talking about Sweetwater.
He's talking about Cordoba only shipping Sweetwater's paid orders before shipping the "unsold" instruments later on.
What's unclear is whether KBob's paid order is one of the 7 that Cordoba is committing to deliver first.
He seems to think it's not, and if he didn't place his order in time for Cordoba to recognize it as a sold instrument when they were figuring out how to allocate the anticipated production yield, then it definitely is what it is.


Enlightened Member
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
I think you're talking about Sweetwater.
He's talking about Cordoba only shipping Sweetwater's paid orders before shipping the "unsold" instruments later on.
What's unclear is whether KBob's paid order is one of the 7 that Cordoba is committing to deliver first.
He seems to think it's not, and if he didn't place his order in time for Cordoba to recognize it as a sold instrument when they were figuring out how to allocate the anticipated production yield, then it definitely is what it is.
Ah I see but I did not pay for my guitar just ask them to place an order or reserve it . Maybe they had I guess what your saying is “ a normal delivery “ but it was a out stock guitar .
I guess I don’t know how they handle “ here’s my money now get me my guitar ! “ lol
So your saying that prepaid guitars get shipped before inventory guitars .... seems one and the same to me but I digress.

Oh and cell phone speakers suck but using high end headphones and or ear buds deliver high quality audio .

Did you know Al that I can stream my audio from my phone to any of my home stereo systems , my main surround or my bedroom system hehehe
And even out my deck speakers . It’s called Bluetooth !

Also those monitors I posted in that other thread if you seen it ? those I have hooked up to my PC they kick butt to lol

Changing gears ,
I’m gunna experiment with the mic positions but for my CV -1 tune I’m doing though I’m using a stereo setup I have one mic at the 12th fret . I also , because of the light finger picking have to get close to the mics . That’s one reason I’m having a hard time getting a good take . Mics pick up my breathing , passing of gas , light foot tapping along with every little tiny finger mishap .
Anyway I don’t get boomy . I heard plenty of boomy guitars and I think that one had down pat .

Not arguing here just thinking out loud .

If those guys are useing a 1,200 mic to record and promote a new guitar and it’s not their first vid odds are they would have some kind of understanding of recording fundamentals and do their best to place the mic at the guitars sweet spot . Which is not a given location .

In reading lots of recording techniques and watching vids on the same along with my own experience , some say you never want to record directly off the sound hole but that’s not a given and one guitar I have proves it as the sound hole is this guitars sweet spot , recording off axis to that results in lesser quality sound .

So I’m just rambling and not trying to prove anything other then my ears telling me Boom boom boom boom boom ! Lmao

I do hope like most cases and to everyone’s glee and entertainment that I’m once again wrong but we’d need to track down whoever buys it and ask them to record again with it . 😜



Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Sillycon Valley CA
Ah I see but I did not pay for my guitar just ask them to place an order or reserve it . Maybe they had I guess what your saying is “ a normal delivery “ but it was a out stock guitar .
I guess I don’t know how they handle “ here’s my money now get me my guitar ! “ lol
So your saying that prepaid guitars get shipped before inventory guitars .... seems one and the same to me but I digress.
The way I'm understanding Kbob's statement, they told him they were going to ship Sweetwater's "pre-sold" orders first.
I agree with that principle.
If I had money down then I'd want mine to get here sooner too.
I have to assume that Cordoba does have other dealers who also have sold orders and that's why they're telling Kbob how they're going to divvy up what's available.
I'm quite sure if they get more guitars out of finishing than they estimate then they'll start going down the list of sold orders by dealer and date and fill anything they can.
It's the only fair way to allocate when there are orders for more guitars than they think they'll get out of this production run.
I've seen the principle at work in other industries.
Sometimes and end customer does cancel.
If the dealer doesn't tell Cordoba that, then they get an extra guitar for inventory (or the next order in line) a little sooner than expected.
Nothing is for certain until Cordoba has have finished guitars ready to ship.
It could turn out they don't even get as many as they're telling the dealers they're going to get, if they have a massive QC fail, for instance.
All the assumptions that might be valid for a production line that's been running smoothly for at least a couple of years simply can't be made in this case.
I can understand if KBob hasn't put 2 & 2 together about that yet, and I admit I kinda lost patience on that point.
I apologize for my earlier snarky comment about the helicopter, Kbob.
My best advice would be to ask Sweetwater if your order is one of the 7 that Cordoba recognizes as pre-sold and then hope they get 100% yield on this production run and get the guitars there on their quoted timetable.
And don't feel singled out because it could still happen that the other 6 or 7 guys wind up not getting their guitars as soon as anticipated, either.
In reading lots of recording techniques and watching vids on the same along with my own experience , some say you never want to record directly off the sound hole but that’s not a given and one guitar I have proves it as the sound hole is this guitars sweet spot , recording off axis to that results in lesser quality sound .
I'm comfortable assuming you've got much better insight about recording techniques than me just because you actually do record and spend time experimenting.
My real point wasn't just poor playback devices but what happens to a file as its digitized and then re-translated to analog and all the potential variables of playback equipment that color the original recording.
I am prejudiced against earphones as a playback device.****(see note below)
I'll tell ya what's interesting to me is that my GF's recordings of me sound best played back on her cell phone, because it's coming back out through the same speaker (mic) it was recorded on.

**** Here's why, from "the usual source" :

The auricle's functions are to collect sound and transform it into directional and other information. The auricle collects sound and, like a funnel, amplifies the sound and directs it to the auditory canal.[2] The filtering effect of the human pinnae preferentially selects sounds in the frequency range of human speech.
Amplification of sound by the pinna, tympanic membrane and middle ear causes an increase in level of about 10 to 15 dB in a frequency range of 1.5 kHz to 7 kHz. This amplification is an important factor in inner ear trauma resulting from elevated sound levels.
Notch of pinna[edit]
Due to its anatomy, the pinna largely eliminates a small segment of the frequency spectrum; this band is called the pinna notch. The pinna works differently for low and high frequency sounds. For low frequencies, it behaves similarly to a reflector dish, directing sounds toward the ear canal. For high frequencies, however, its value is thought to be more sophisticated. While some of the sounds that enter the ear travel directly to the canal, others reflect off the contours of the pinna first: these enter the ear canal after a very slight delay. This delay causes phase cancellation, virtually eliminating the frequency component whose wave period is twice the delay period. Neighboring frequencies also drop significantly. In the affected frequency band – the pinna notch – the pinna creates a band-stop or notch filtering effect. This filter typically affects sounds around 10 kHz, though it can affect any frequencies from 6 – 16 kHz. It also is directionally dependent, affecting sounds coming from above more than those coming from straight ahead. This aids in vertical sound localization.[3]

Even before I started realizing that sealing the ears with headphones wasn't all that good for your ears, I was never satisfied with losing "Feeling the bass" when using earphones.


Enlightened Member
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
The way I'm understanding Kbob's statement, they told him they were going to ship Sweetwater's "pre-sold" orders first.
I agree with that principle.
If I had money down then I'd want mine to get here sooner too.
I have to assume that Cordoba does have other dealers who also have sold orders and that's why they're telling Kbob how they're going to divvy up what's available.
I'm quite sure if they get more guitars out of finishing than they estimate then they'll start going down the list of sold orders by dealer and date and fill anything they can.
It's the only fair way to allocate when there are orders for more guitars than they think they'll get out of this production run.
I've seen the principle at work in other industries.
Sometimes and end customer does cancel.
If the dealer doesn't tell Cordoba that, then they get an extra guitar for inventory (or the next order in line) a little sooner than expected.
Nothing is for certain until Cordoba has have finished guitars ready to ship.
It could turn out they don't even get as many as they're telling the dealers they're going to get, if they have a massive QC fail, for instance.
All the assumptions that might be valid for a production line that's been running smoothly for at least a couple of years simply can't be made in this case.
I can understand if KBob hasn't put 2 & 2 together about that yet, and I admit I kinda lost patience on that point.
I apologize for my earlier snarky comment about the helicopter, Kbob.
My best advice would be to ask Sweetwater if your order is one of the 7 that Cordoba recognizes as pre-sold and then hope they get 100% yield on this production run and get the guitars there on their quoted timetable.
And don't feel singled out because it could still happen that the other 6 or 7 guys wind up not getting their guitars as soon as anticipated, either.

I'm comfortable assuming you've got much better insight about recording techniques than me just because you actually do record and spend time experimenting.
My real point wasn't just poor playback devices but what happens to a file as its digitized and then re-translated to analog and all the potential variables of playback equipment that color the original recording.
I am prejudiced against earphones as a playback device.****(see note below)
I'll tell ya what's interesting to me is that my GF's recordings of me sound best played back on her cell phone, because it's coming back out through the same speaker (mic) it was recorded on.

**** Here's why, from "the usual source" :

The auricle's functions are to collect sound and transform it into directional and other information. The auricle collects sound and, like a funnel, amplifies the sound and directs it to the auditory canal.[2] The filtering effect of the human pinnae preferentially selects sounds in the frequency range of human speech.
Amplification of sound by the pinna, tympanic membrane and middle ear causes an increase in level of about 10 to 15 dB in a frequency range of 1.5 kHz to 7 kHz. This amplification is an important factor in inner ear trauma resulting from elevated sound levels.
Notch of pinna[edit]
Due to its anatomy, the pinna largely eliminates a small segment of the frequency spectrum; this band is called the pinna notch. The pinna works differently for low and high frequency sounds. For low frequencies, it behaves similarly to a reflector dish, directing sounds toward the ear canal. For high frequencies, however, its value is thought to be more sophisticated. While some of the sounds that enter the ear travel directly to the canal, others reflect off the contours of the pinna first: these enter the ear canal after a very slight delay. This delay causes phase cancellation, virtually eliminating the frequency component whose wave period is twice the delay period. Neighboring frequencies also drop significantly. In the affected frequency band – the pinna notch – the pinna creates a band-stop or notch filtering effect. This filter typically affects sounds around 10 kHz, though it can affect any frequencies from 6 – 16 kHz. It also is directionally dependent, affecting sounds coming from above more than those coming from straight ahead. This aids in vertical sound localization.[3]

Even before I started realizing that sealing the ears with headphones wasn't all that good for your ears, I was never satisfied with losing "Feeling the bass" when using earphones.
Got ya :) and
Dude how do come up with this stuff ? Lol

I only use buds on occasion , studio head phones for recording and mixing . Other wise I’m all about moving air ! :)
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